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April 19, 2016
  Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 19, 2016 – 5 PM
BOARD OF SELECTMEN – Regular Mtg. Minutes  

5 PM  Meeting was called to order at the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Stan Moss & Jon Fudeman, also T.A. Nina Nazarian. and Advisory Board members George Handy, John Shipman, Wayne Adams, Don Shoeney, Bill Lawton, David Cruise and Jim O’Coin in at 5:40 PM.
5:05 PM  Selectmen explained to Adv. Bd. how free cash is traditionally used on capital expenditures. Stan noted that the FY’16 budget totaled $4.3 million and the proposed FY’17 budget is $4.42 million – an increase of $109,000, and it’s the tightest budget he’d ever seen. Group debated the semantics of “free cash” and “savings” and George H. pointed out that free cash represents 10 percent of the budget at $848,000 (last year) and the DOR recommends 3-5 percent. Nina and Stan detailed all the sources for the $848,000 figure, not all directly from the tax levy that year. Edith noted that free cash, as a form of savings, is tapped into as much as is practical each year. Nina reported that cherry-sheet monies added a few thousand dollars to the town’s total revenue for FY’17.
5:50 PM         Selectmen voted all in favor to place the budget for FY’17 as presented as of 4/19/16, on the May ATM warrant at a total of $9,334,320.18. Nina anticipated that the entire warrant should be finalized by end of meeting.
        Group agreed on spending $65,000 for a feasibility study of Bagg Hall, holding off repair/renovation for one year. Funding for a salary classification study was added to the warrant, as the latest study uses figures from five years ago and is out of date.
        Nina reported on grant reimbursements from the state as lagging and causing deficits in certain department budgets. This is an issue especially with reimbursements lacking by the state. The Town Administrator has asked the applicable departments (Police and Fire) which accounts can be closed out ultimately to eliminate any outstanding deficits. Some state agencies/departments have not keep up with their own reconciliations. Department heads will have to chase outstanding reimbursements, being aware of timeframes and deadlines.
        There was some discussion on OPEB payments, which are not mandated, and decreasing the contribution of over $100,000 by half or so. Adv. Board supported keeping that line item intact. Nina reported that an actuarial study will be done to determine exact figures and what the dollar goal should be. She also noted that the Building Dept. income from fees is outpaced by salary expenses and its budget has run a deficit.
6:30 PM  The two boards continued to review articles. Article 29 was notes, concerning WiFi coverage at T.P. School. Selectmen asked Nina N. to confer with town counsel for article’s wording--to maintain control over funds.

7:04 PM  Selectmen went into executive session with Advisory Board. Selectmen voted to enter into executive session to discuss salaries for non-union personnel, and not to reconvene into open session. Stan M. made a motion: “I move to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21, to discuss town employee salaries and not to reconvene into open session” and Jon F. seconded the motion. Stan M. called for a vote and in roll call Jon F. voted “Aye” and Stan voted “Aye.”  

See separate Executive Session minutes

Respectfully submitted, Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant & T.A. Nina Nazarian

BOS Referenced Documents:  Summary of FY17 Budget Requests/Draft Revenue Projections; FY17 Capital Items List; Draft May 10, 2016 ATM Warrant

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department